Negative Stock Levels In Seller Center Explained

Do you sometimes see a negative stock level in Seller Center and wonder why this happens?

The answer is it’s because Seller Center reserves stock for any pending orders so when IDA Connect syncs the stock level of 0 quantity, the available stock level in Seller Center becomes negative.

Not sure what that means? Let’s have a quick look at an example.

Let’s take a look at Item 1 that has a stock level of 1 and see how it progresses through the order lifecycle.

ActionIconic StockShopify Stock
Last inventory syncQuantity: 1
Available: 1
Order for 1 Item1Quantity: 1
Available: 0
Order created in ShopifyQuantity: 1
Available: 0

Stock level sync to Iconic of 0 quantity
1 item still reserved due to pending order

Quantity: 0
Available: -1
Order mark as sent in Seller centerQuantity: 0
Available: 0

Hope this helps clarify why you see negative stock levels in Seller Center. It is a symptom of the combination of having your stock levels in sync and The Iconic wishing to reserve stock for pending orders.

You can safely ignore these negative numbers. You can also check that the items return to 0 available after you have fulfilled the order.